EMA Structural Forensic Engineers, Milestone Inspections Daytona Beach & Orlando, Storm Damage Inspections

Electrical Infrared Inspections Jacksonville Florida

We provide a full range of inspection services including:

Fast Electrical infrared inspections Scans & Pinpoint Hot Spots in Electrical Systems, switchgear rooms & Electric gridline.

Proactive, Predictive Approach – Avoids Unscheduled Maintenance

Electrical Infrared Inspections Reduces Down Time – By fixing needed repairs before they occur

Reduces Electrical Energy Costs by Increasing Electric Efficiency

Increases Efficiency in Electrical Maintenance Programs

You can pinpoint and repair electrical infrared inspections problems before they happen with our Electrical Inspections. Reduce downtime and increase profits with an infrared electrical test. Save time and money, call today for a free quote

infrared electrical inspections
infrared electrical inspections

Electrical Infrared Inspections Procedures

Inspection Procedures
8.1 Equipment to be inspected shall be energized and under adequate load; ideally this is normal operating
load. For acceptance testing, higher loads may be warranted.
8.2 Subject equipment shall be externally examined before opening or removing any protective covers to
determine the possible presence of unsafe conditions. If abnormal heating and/or unsafe conditions are
found, the end user or qualified assistant shall take appropriate remedial action prior to commencing the
infrared inspection.
8.3 Electrical and mechanical equipment enclosures shall be opened to provide line-of-sight access to
components contained therein. In some cases, further disassembly may be required to allow for a
complete infrared inspection. Examples include dielectric barriers, clear plastic guards, and other
materials that are opaque to infrared energy.
8.4 In some cases, the infrared inspection may be conducted through permanently installed view ports or
infrared transparent windows. Care must be taken to ensure that all subject equipment can be
adequately and completely imaged. In some cases, special lenses may be required for the thermal
8.5 Infrared inspections may be qualitative or quantitative in nature. Qualitative thermographic inspections
may be conducted using a thermal imager or an imaging radiometer. Quantitative inspections may be
conducted using an imaging radiometer or a thermal imager in combination with a non-imaging
8.5.1 When performing qualitative inspections, the thermographer shall utilize a thermal imager with
resolution sufficient to provide clear imagery of the inspected components.
8.5.2 When performing quantitative inspections, the thermographer shall utilize an imaging
radiometer with resolution sufficient to provide clear imagery and accurate temperature
measurement of the inspected components. When performing a quantitative inspection, the thermographer shall make every effort to
ensure the accuracy of non-contact temperature measurements. In particular, consideration
should be given to target emittance, reflected temperature, weather conditions, and target
8.6 Using inventory lists provided by the end user, the thermographer shall inspect electrical components
and/or rotating equipment utilizing a thermal imager or imaging radiometer. Inspection shall be
conducted in a manner so as to ensure complete coverage of all components.

You can pinpoint and repair electrical infrared inspections problems before they happen with our Electrical Inspections. Reduce downtime and increase profits with an infrared electrical test. Save time and money, call today for a free quote

quickly pinpointing problems

preventing catastrophic failures
improving preventive maintenance efficiency
reducing downtime and equipment damage

establishing repair priorities

testing under load to avoid costly repairs